Have you ever dreamed about being a Scratch Wiki contributor? Have you submitted some Scratch Wiki account requests, but they didn't got approved? Well, you have came to the right place! Let's get started with this tutorial. Note that you need a Scratch account older than 2 months (not 1 month and a few days/weeks). Also, you must have Scratcher status.
First, you need to click on the Request an account button in the menu. It will bring you to a site, that looks like this:

Let's start with filling out the Username and verification section. In the Scratch username, write your username on Scratch. Mine is JackyBorderCollie. Then, choose a password, and repeat it in the Password (confirm). Then, enter your email in the Email. The email is optional. Now, you need to go to the user verification project (click on the blue link on the page) and comment the code in the comments of the project.

Now, let's get to the second section, which is Request notes. In there, you need to read the article linked in the text above the Request notes text. Read it carefully! When you read it, write the request notes, tick the checkbox, and click on Request account. Now, wait some time. When your account request is approved/rejected, you will get notified on your profile. A Scratcher, called jvvg, who is also the Scratch Wiki's main administrator will write the comment.

You can view your request by clicking the link that jvvg sent you. Note that you need to enter your username and the password you used when requesting the account. When it's approved, you can log in with your username and the password you used for the account request. Wen it's rejected, you may submit another request in the next week.